Curvy for Him: The Lawyer and the Cowboy Page 6
“Oh, shit, Cade,” she gurgles against my lips as I feel myself explode inside her for the third time, my balls delivering so much of my seed that I feel her overflowing down my goddamn cock. But I can’t stop, and Cass just groans again and wraps her strong legs around me, her pussy clenching around my thick cock like it’s milking me.
We stay locked together as I finish, and our bodies are throbbing with the force of our combined climaxes as I finally collapse on top of her, letting my full weight press against Cass as she moans and hugs me.
“Am I crushing you?” I mutter after what seems like a long time but is perhaps just a few minutes. “I can move,” I say, even though I have no intention of moving. I want to lie on top of her, my body covering hers. It feels right. “If you want.”
“I don’t want you to move,” she whispers. “Not ever. Just stay like this. Can we stay like this? Let’s stay like this.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” I say with a satisfied chuckle.
“You’re so weird,” she says with a giggle. “Nobody’s ever called me Ma’am. Or Ms. Cass, for that matter.”
“Well, you’re Mrs. Cass now,” I say with a grunt.
“Oh, so we’re married already? I guess I missed the ceremony.”
“You said yes, and we consummated our joining. That’s how it works out here. We don’t need a goddamn judge to pronounce us man and wife. This is my land, and out here I’m judge, jury, and executioner.”
“Executioner? Wow, you are a true romantic. How many bodies do you have buried out here, Cowboy Cade?”
“Those who were born of this land are returned to this land,” I say softly against her neck. Immediately I feel her stiffen, and I realize in a flash that I’m talking without thinking, telling her things she might not be ready to hear. Yes, our bodies might have accepted that we’re together. Our hearts might have accepted one another. But this woman is an intelligent, thinking girl. I have to win over her mind too. Take it slow, Cade. Bring her into your world slowly, or else you’ll scare her off.
“What the hell does that mean?” she says, turning her head and frowning up at me. “Are you saying there really are people buried out here?”
“Am I being cross-examined, Ms. Lawyer?” I say, trying to laugh it off.
She nods, her lips firmly clamped together, her brown eyes sharp and focused, her intelligence burning bright. “Answer the question, Cowboy Cade. And may I remind you you’re under oath.”
“I’m exercising my Fifth Amendment Right to not incriminate myself,” I shoot back with a grin.
“Permission to treat the witness as hostile,” she snaps, her quick wit making me laugh in delight. Fuck, this woman is the entire package, isn’t she? Curves that make me weak, an ass that makes me growl, boobs that make me want to howl, and a wit that makes me want to laugh out loud.
“Permission to treat the lawyer as hostile,” I say, feeling my cock harden again as we match wits.
“Um, that’s not a thing,” she says with a snort.
“It is in my court,” I snarl, snaking my arm down her lower back and firmly gripping her ass, my cock hardening all the way immediately at the feeling of how perfectly her buttcheek fits in my big paw. “And there are consequences to this kind of behavior. Disciplinary actions that must be taken. That’s how it was in the old days, you know. A man needed to enforce the law on his land. He dammed the river, secured his borders, broke in his horses, and tamed his woman.”
She shrieks with shocked laughter, pushing hard against my chest as I laugh and squeeze her ass again. “OK, that’s just wrong! Tame his woman?! What am I, an animal?”
“We’re all animals,” I growl against her neck as I massage her rump until I feel her start to breathe heavy. “You’ve just spent so much time in the city that you’ve forgotten what it means to be an animal.”
“Oh, and you’re going to teach me?” she whispers back, her mouth opening wide as I run my fingers down along her rear crack, pressing my thumb against her hole and grinning as her eyes flick open in shock. “Um, no.” she says. “Absolutely not.”
My grin stretches wider as I feel her buttcheeks clamp tight. I keep my hand there, my fingers wedged in her crack as her face goes flush. “Not yet,” I say to her. “But soon. Soon I’ll tame you, Ms. Cass. I’ll break you in.”
“Break me in?! I am not a fucking horse!” she says, glaring at me. “Maybe you’ve been away from society too long, but in today’s world we don’t compare women to wild animals! That’s just insulting, and I won’t stand for it!”
“This isn’t today’s world, Mrs. Cass,” I say to her, still grinning as I sense the excitement underlying her indignation. “This is my world. Here. Come with me. I want to show you something.”
I swing my legs off the bed and stand, turning toward her and offering my hand. She’s got her arms folded tight over her boobs, her face all frowny, her eyes narrowed, eyebrows in a grouchy V. I could pull her off the bed and carry her, but I want her to take my hand and come with me. I’ll stand here patient as a rock until she gives in.
Finally she lets out an exasperated sigh and shakes her head. “I’m not going anywhere like this. Where are my clothes?”
“You don’t need clothes. There’s no one here to see.”
“You’re here!” she shoots back, pulling the sheets up over her boobs and raising her eyebrows at me.
“I’m your husband,” I say, putting my hands on my hips and looking into her eyes. “There’s no shame in showing yourself to your husband. What are you worried about? You have a beautiful body, Cass. Natural and perfect. Come. Take my hand.”
She snorts up at me and then rolls her eyes. “OK, I’ve accepted my body for what it is, but I know it’s not beautiful. And that’s fine, you know. I can live with it. I mean, I have to live with it, because that’s just what—”
I cut her off mid-sentence. “Hell, maybe I have been away from the modern world too fucking long if you actually believe you’re not beautiful!” I just shake my head in disbelief, and then without another word I grip the covers and gently pull them off her.
I keep my gaze focused on her eyes as her body comes into full view, and then slowly I look her over, my cock hardening as I take in the sight of her strong hourglass shape, breasts hanging off to either side, wide hips that were built for me, built for this land, built to carry our children.
“Don’t,” she says, covering her face with her hands and pressing her thighs together in a way that highlights her dark triangle and makes me almost lose control right then and there. “Please give me my clothes.”
“No,” I say gently but firmly. “We’re no longer wearing clothes. Not until you understand how perfect you are. Not until you understand that nature designs every woman to fit just right with her man. You’re insulted when I say we’re animals? Hell, the animals understand this better than we do. They haven’t been made to feel ashamed of their bodies.”
“I’m not ashamed,” she says. “I’m just . . . I mean it’s just . . . I mean, it just feels . . .”
“You won’t know how it feels till you try it,” I say firmly. “You’re getting caught up in your thoughts, all the bullshit being fed to you by society. Let go of all that. Recognize that you’re a creature of the Earth, part of the animal kingdom. Animals don’t feel shame about their bodies, do they? Even the most well-bred dog will happily sit down and lick his balls in public.”
She snorts with laughter, scrunching up her face as her boobs jiggle. I can see I’m getting through, breaking through, breaking down the barrier that’s holding this beautiful woman back from understanding what she is, how fucking perfect she is. I hold my hand out again, and this time she takes it and I pull her out of bed and into my body.
“All right,” I whisper, running my hands through her hair as my cock presses up against her soft belly. I’m hard and heavy, but I’m in no hurr
y. “Can you walk OK? How do you feel?”
“Surprisingly steady,” she says, sticking out her leg and looking down at the fang marks on her calf. It was a quick, shallow bite, I can tell. The rattler didn’t hang on and empty its poison sacs into her. She’s strong and she can handle it, I think with admiration, feeling even more certain that she’s my woman. “Where are we going?”
“Back in time,” I say. “Back to when we were one with the land and its creatures, when we didn’t think we were above the animals, when we understood that we are animals. Come on, Cass. This way.”
“No way,” I say as I stand close to Cade and look out over his land. Our land, even though it sounds crazy to think that. “Cade, it’s . . . it’s beautiful.”
I stare in awe as we stand at the edge of a bluff overlooking a winding river, its banks green and lush. There are wild horses drinking from the river, their manes thick and long, their chestnut haunches glistening in the sun. Farther downstream I see a lone coyote hesitantly make its way for a quick sip before it yips at the horses and heads back to higher ground. There’s movement in the overgrown bushes of the riverbank, and I gasp when I realize it’s teeming with life, animals big and small, mice and rabbits and hedgehogs and insects and everything in between, all of them living in a strange harmony that I swear I can almost taste, it feels so real.
Cade points towards the horizon, and I sigh as I see distant mountain peaks, land untouched and pristine, undisturbed for perhaps a thousand years, maybe forever! Then I look down at myself, blinking when I realize I’ve actually forgotten that I was naked! Oh, God, I’m standing here, out in the open, butt and boobs hanging out for all to see! And it feels natural! It feels free! It feels like . . . like me!
I spread my arms out wide, feeling like a madwoman but also like I’m seeing things clearly for the first time ever. I can barely even remember my life as a lawyer, and the memories I do have make my stomach clench in disgust, like I’m recoiling from all of that.
“You were right, Cade,” I whisper as I feel him stand behind me and slide his strong arms around my waist as I hold my arms spread wide like I’m flying or something. “It does feel like we’ve gone back in time. Or like time doesn’t even matter here. Like nothing matters here! Oh, Cade, I don’t think I ever want to leave this place!”
“Good, because I fucking hate leaving here,” he says against my neck. “My whole life is designed so I never have to step off my land, step out of my world.” Cade goes quiet for a moment, his breath catching as if he’s just had a flash of doubt. “Do you really think you can handle this life, Cass?” he asks gently. “It’s not for everyone. I wasn’t kidding about going back in time. I live like how folks lived on the frontier a hundred years ago. The winters are cold and the summers are hot. I grow my grain and hunt my dinner.”
“Hunt?” I say with a frown. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”
“Nature is as brutal as it is beautiful,” he says. “There’s nothing wrong with hunting for food, for survival. As long as it’s not done with cruelty, not done beyond one’s needs, not done outside the law.”
“What law?” I say, feeling my head spin as Cade’s question resonates like an echo. Do I really think I can handle this life? I was raised in a city, spent my life in a city, always loved the city. Even the “city” here seems like a village to me, a freakin’ one-horse town compared to where I grew up! What the hell am I thinking? I’ve seriously lost my fucking mind, haven’t I?!
“Natural law,” he whispers against my neck, his breath hot as he slowly runs his big hands along my sides, sending a shiver through my body. “The only law that holds any weight.”
Again my mind swirls as I try to come to terms with the sheer insanity of what I’m doing here, what I’m doing with him, what I’m doing to my life! A day ago I was a lawyer with a slam-dunk case. Now I’m standing naked in the middle of nowhere, staring at a group of wild mustangs while a cowboy who calls himself my husband is . . . is . . . is . . .
“What are you doing?” I whisper as Cade slides his hands up along my body and grasps my breasts from behind, pinching my nipples until they perk up like those mountain peaks in the distance. “Cade, we’re out in the open. We can’t . . . we . . . we . . . oh, God, Cade!”
I feel his cock press lengthwise against my rear crack just as Cade brings one hand back down and rubs my mound from the front, bringing forth my wetness as the sun beams down on us and the horses whinny as if they approve of what’s happening. My arousal spirals up so fast I swoon against Cade’s hard body, almost collapsing as ecstasy that’s raw and wild roars through me. I want to resist, want to stop, want to reach for the last bit of what I think is sanity, but I can’t do it. My body is taking over, laying down the goddamn law.
Natural law.
The law of man and woman.
The law of primal love.
And then Cade pulls me down to the rough grass of the bluff, and with a whimper I lean forward and raise my ass, spreading wide as the breeze flows against every inch of me in the most exhilarating way. I can hear the animals of this land making their sounds. I can hear the gurgle of the river as it flows over the rocks. I can smell the earth below me, feel the sun on my back, the clean dirt beneath my fingernails. Suddenly I feel like I know what Cade means, what it means to be one with the land, to understand that you’re part of nature not above it, that you’re an animal no better than any beast that snorts or growls or grunts or howls.
I hear those horses snort down by the river, two of them rearing back from the water like something’s spooked them. Cade is behind me, massaging my ass as I lean forward on my elbows and stare down through glazed eyes. The horses turn and start to gallop, their excitement sending a rush of energy through me that makes me gasp. At first I thought something had scared them off, but now I realize they’re playing, they’re just running because it’s what they do, it’s what they love to do, it’s what they were born to do.
I watch the horses race off across the land, and then I gasp when I see two of them break off from the herd. One is clearly a stallion, and I can hardly believe what I’m seeing when the massive beast runs head on toward its mate, mounting her from behind with a quickness that’s so shocking I almost cry out loud!
I swear I hear the electricity crackle in the air, and I scream when I feel Cade’s hand come down hard on my soft ass from behind, his cock springing up against my pussy from beneath. I come immediately, with shocking force, the orgasm raw and violent, primal and deadly, my back hunching up and then arching down as Cade spanks me again and then pushes his face between my rear cheeks like he can’t help himself.
All of this should feel sick and wrong, but I can’t feel a goddamn thing except raging ecstasy, wild arousal, a climax that I swear is splitting me down the middle. In that moment I know I share the energy of those horses in heat, that I’m an animal just like they are, a beast that wants to snort and grunt and roar and howl!
I howl as Cade slides his tongue into my rear, his strong hands spreading me wide from behind in the most filthy way, the most beautifully filthy way! He’s rubbing my slit from below, and I come again, all over his hand, screaming like I’ve lost my fucking mind as I watch that stallion take his mate from behind.
Then Cade’s finger is inside my rear, and I groan at the shock of his entry, gasp at the way he wets my rear canal with the juices that he coaxed out of me when he made me come like that. I hear him grunt and growl, and I know he’s lost to this animal energy just like I am, that he’s going to take me in the most forbidden of places right out here in the open, on his land, on our land. It should feel wrong but it feels so damned right I almost sob out loud as he fingers me deep and then presses his massive cockhead to my rear pucker and slowly pushes in, pushes in all the way, all the goddamn way.
I come
before I’m even all the way into her divine rear hole, and I just dig my fingers into her gorgeous love handles, lean my head back, and roar up into the skies like a goddamn lion! I can hear Cass screaming as I shout, and I swear I feel the entire universe shatter as we come together, her wetness gushing out as mine pours deep into her until she’s overflowing down my throbbing cock.
I pump into her ass like a stallion taking its mate, shocked at myself for going there so quickly, shocked at Cass for taking me the way she is, opening up for me in a way that makes me want to roar again. This sure as hell wasn’t my plan when I brought her out here, but that’s the way things work, ain’t it? Nothing goes as planned—and that’s the universe’s plan.
She snorts and then sighs as I finish inside her, my balls clenching as I deliver the last of what I have into her magnificent rear. Then I collapse on top of her and kiss her furiously on her neck and cheeks, smothering her body with mine as we breathe together, taking in the smell of the earth, the scent of our bodies, the aroma of our sex.
I want to say something but I can’t. I won’t. This isn’t the time for talk. It isn’t the time for thought. That stallion out there doesn’t explain why it does what it does, why it needs what it needs. No, there’s nothing to say. Nothing but . . .
“I love you, Cass,” come the words before I even realize I’m talking. “I love you like the earth loves the rain, like the trees love the—”
“If I say I love you too will you stop with the cowboy poetry?” she mutters up at me, her eyes closed tight, her lips twisted in a wry smile.
“Yes,” I say with a laugh.
“OK then. I love you too,” she says, her eyes still closed, her smile so wide I laugh again. “No more questions for this witness, please. No more questions.”
“Any more questions?” Cade asks, frowning up at me from where he’s sitting out on our porch, a steel cup of fresh-brewed coffee in his hand. I can tell he doesn’t want to talk about this, but I can’t help it. I’ve accepted that I want to be here, be here with him, that he’s my man. But although he seems to have a remarkable ability to shut out the outside world, I can’t quite do it.